Original Research

Labour market discrimination and employment in South Africa

B. Urban Lombard
South African Journal of Business Management | Vol 12, No 3 | a1214 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajbm.v12i3.1214 | © 2018 B. Urban Lombard | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 25 October 2018 | Published: 30 September 1981

About the author(s)

B. Urban Lombard, The Premier Group Limited, Johannesburg, South Africa

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The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse the occupational structure determinants for the different race/sex groups within the manufacturing sector of South Africa. This study is carried out in the theoretical framework of the human capital school and dual labour market theory approaches. This research derived its importance from the phenomena of high unemployment, low occupational status, and the underutilization of Blacks in the labour market. The aim of this study is to focus on the Blacks' human capital investment, their underutilization and employment problems. The results obtained highlight the development and employment opportunities for Blacks and provide guidelines to individuals and employers on how to combat labour market discrimination.
Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die beroepstruktuurdeterminante volgens ras- en geslagsgroepe in die vervaardigingsektor van Suid-Afrika krities te ontleed. Die studie is gebaseer op die teoretiese raamwerk van die menslike kapitaalskool en die dualistiese arbeidsmarkbenaderings. As gevolg van die groot tekort aan geskoolde mannekrag het die studie sy belangrikheid verkry in die verskynsels van hoe werkloosheid, lae beroepstatus en die onderbenutting van nie-Blankes in die arbeidsmark. Die oogmerk met hierdie studie is om op die nie-Blanke se menslike kapitaalinvestering, onderbenutting en indiensnemingsprobleme te fokus. Die resultate het tot verskeie gevolgtrekkings gelei wat die menslike hulpbronontwikkeling en -bestuur in Suid-Afrika onderstreep het. Hierdie gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings beklemtoon en hou verband met die ontwikkeling en indiensnemingsgeleenthede vir nie-Blankes en sommige van die gevolgtrekkings bied riglyne vir individue en werkgewers oor hoe om arbeidsmarkdiskriminasie teen te werk.


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