Original Research

Marketing control in retailing

Russell Abratt
South African Journal of Business Management | Vol 12, No 1/2 | a1206 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajbm.v12i1/2.1206 | © 2018 Russell Abratt | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 25 October 2018 | Published: 31 March 1981

About the author(s)

Russell Abratt, Department of Business Economics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

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Control has long been recognized as one of the tasks a manager must perform. The objective of this paper is to detail the steps involved for marketing control from a retail managers point of view. There is an abundance of literature that deals with control and especially marketing control. Yet there is very little specific information for retail managers to follow. This paper discusses why marketing control is necessary in the retail firm and then gives an in-depth view of the marketing control process. It also attempts to show how effective marketing control in retailing may help the retailer to survive in a rapidly changing environment in Southern Africa today.
Dit is reeds geruime tyd aanvaar dat beheer een van die take van 'n bestuurder is. Die oogmerk van hierdie artikel is om die stappe wat betrokke is in bemarkingsbeheer vanuit die bestuur se oogpunt in besonderhede te bespreek. Daar bestaan baie literatuur waarin beheer, veral bemarkingsbeheer bespreek word, maar daar is baie min inligting beskikbaar wat veral op die kleinhandelbestuur betrekking het. Hier word 'n uiteensetting gegee waarom bemarkingsbeheer in die kleinhandelsonderneming nodig is, en die bemarkingsbeheerproses word in diepte beskou. Die artikel is verder ook 'n poging om aan te toon hoe doeltreffende bemarkingsbeheer in die kleinhandel sal help om die kleinsakeman kop bo water te laat hou in die snel veranderende omgewing van Suider-Afrika.


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