Original Research

lndustrialisasie van gevorderde tegnologieprodukte met lae volume

Rene Uys, Eric Pieters
South African Journal of Business Management | Vol 21, No 4 | a929 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajbm.v21i4.929 | © 2018 Rene Uys, Eric Pieters | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 18 October 2018 | Published: 31 December 1990

About the author(s)

Rene Uys, Nagraadse Skool vir Bestuurswese, Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoer Onderwys, South Africa
Eric Pieters, Nagraadse Skool vir Bestuurswese, Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoer Onderwys, South Africa

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Industrialisation or advanced technology products with low volume. A noticeable revolution has occurred in the manner in which products are produced. Mainly due to an increase in productivity in order to achieve prosperity and progress, a rapid change in technology due to an increase in research and development, and the growing complexity of both the product and the technique to produce it. This requires that more emphasis is placed on the thorough industrialisation of high technology products. Problems are experienced with regard to communication, involvement during the different project life-cycle phases, cultural differences between development and production, documentation management, component manufacturing, instruments, manpower and low volumes during the transfer phase by high-technology companies. In this article the focus is on the project management approach as a possible mechanism to deal with the mentioned problems and to manage the production of high-technology products with a low volume.

'n Merkbare revolusie het in die wyse waarop produkte geproduseer word, plaasgevind - hoofsaaklik weens verhoogde produktiwiteit wat nodig is vir groeiende welvaart en vooruitgang, die snelle verandering in tegnologie weens toenemende navorsing en ontwikkeling en die groeiende kompleksiteit van beide die produk en die tegniek om die produk te produseer. Dit bring mee dat meer klem op die deeglike industrialisasie van gevorderde tegnologieprodukte gele moet word. Probleme word egter tans tydens die oordragfase ten opsigte van kommunikasie, betrokkenheid tydens die verskillende projeklewensiklusfases, kultuurverskille tussen ontwikkeling en produksie, dokumentasiebestuur, komponentvervaardiging, gereedskap, mannekrag en lae volumes deur tegnologie-organisasies ondervind. In die artikel word op die projekbestuursbenadering gefokus as 'n moontlike meganisme om genoemde probleme aan te spreek in die bestuur van die vervaardiging van gevorderde tegnologieprodukte met 'n lae volume.


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