Scientific Letter

Business geo-politics, geo-economics and the fourth Industrial Revolution: An interview with Maxim Shashenkov (Arterial Capital Management)

Felix N.K. Ofori, David Sarpong
South African Journal of Business Management | Vol 51, No 1 | a1667 | DOI: | © 2020 Felix N.K. Ofori, David Sarpong | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 21 June 2019 | Published: 01 June 2020

About the author(s)

Felix N.K. Ofori, College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences, Brunel Business School, University London, London, United Kingdom
David Sarpong, Brunel Business School, Brunel University London, London, United Kingdom; and School of Management, IT, and Public Governance, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa


The changing dynamics and unpredictable forces of geo-politics and geo-economics have implications for leadership, politics, businesses and especially those in the financial and equity markets. However, these dynamics remain elusive to most business leaders who fail to adopt creative solutions in turning such challenges into lucrative and sustainable business enterprises. This article premises on an interview with Maxim Shashenkov, managing director of Arterial Capital Management, where he ponders on the complexities of the geo-politics and geo-economic rivalry that defines the current international business arena.


geo-politics; geo-economics; leadership; creativity; management.


Total abstract views: 3392
Total article views: 4096


Crossref Citations

1. Exploring the leadership behaviors of millennial community leaders during the pandemic: The Case of the Science City of Muñoz in the Philippines
Olive Chester M. Cuya-Antonio, Arneil G. Gabriel, Corinthian M. Obispo, Feliciana P. Jacoba, Sanjay P. Claudio
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik  vol: 35  issue: 3  first page: 265  year: 2022  
doi: 10.20473/mkp.V35I32022.265-281