Original Research

Social responsibility: The changing role of business in South Africa

C. F. Wagenaar
South African Journal of Business Management | Vol 10, No 3 | a1271 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajbm.v10i3.1271 | © 2018 C. F. Wagenaar | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 26 October 2018 | Published: 30 September 1979

About the author(s)

C. F. Wagenaar, Department of Business Economics, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa

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Business in South Africa is becoming increasingly involved in the solution of the social problems of the country, and business managers face growing demands concerning the corporate social responsibility of the private sector. The author investigated the nature and scope of corporate social responsibility in South Africa, considering both the viewpoint of business managers, and the expectations of the public. Both questionnaires and interviews were used in the investigation. The attitudes of managers and the expectations of society are set out in detail, and are then compared, showing that society is significantly more in favour of corporate social responsibility than the business community. There is, however, also a growing social awareness among South African business leaders.
Sake-ondernemings in Suid-Afrika word toenemend betrek by die oplossing van die sosiale probleme van die land, en bestuurders is blootgestel aan toenemende eise wat betref die sosiale verantwoordelikheid van die private onderneming. Die skrywer het die aard en trefwydte van die sosiale verantwoordelikheid van Suid-Afrikaanse ondernemings ondersoek, met inagneming van sowel die standpunt van sakebestuurders as die verwagtings van die publiek. Vraelyste en personlike onderhoude is in die ondersoek gebruik. Die houdings van bestuurders en die verwagtings van die gemeenskap word volledig uiteengesit, en word dan vergelyk. Dit blyk dat die gemeenskap betekenisvol meer ten gunste is van sosiaal-verantwoordelike optrede deur ondernemings, as die sakelui. Daar is egter ook 'n groeiende bewustheid van sosiale verantwoordelikheid onder Suid-Afrikaanse sakeleiers.


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