Original Research
Faktore wat die werkverrigting van rekenaargebaseerde inligtingstelsels beïnvloed
South African Journal of Business Management | Vol 14, No 1 | a1136 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajbm.v14i1.1136
| © 2018 P. J.S. Bruwer
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 24 October 2018 | Published: 31 March 1983
Submitted: 24 October 2018 | Published: 31 March 1983
About the author(s)
P. J.S. Bruwer, Departement Rekenaarwetenskap en Nagraadse Skool vir Bestuurswese, Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike Hoër Onderwys, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (383KB)Abstract
Factors which influence computer-based information systems
The design and implementation of computer-based information systems have for a long time (and in some organizations are still being) accepted as primarily technical activities. As a result of this attitude about technology, the fact that practically all computer-based systems exist within the context of an organization has been largely ignored. From the literature it has emerged that many computer-based information systems have failed, not necessarily as a result of poor technical quality, but because certain other important aspects, which determine the success or the failure of a computer-based system have been left out of account. As a result of a research project, it will be shown in this paper which factors are the most important in their contribution to the success of computer-based systems.
The design and implementation of computer-based information systems have for a long time (and in some organizations are still being) accepted as primarily technical activities. As a result of this attitude about technology, the fact that practically all computer-based systems exist within the context of an organization has been largely ignored. From the literature it has emerged that many computer-based information systems have failed, not necessarily as a result of poor technical quality, but because certain other important aspects, which determine the success or the failure of a computer-based system have been left out of account. As a result of a research project, it will be shown in this paper which factors are the most important in their contribution to the success of computer-based systems.
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